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 (N)ew Files by Date

 Subcommands:  (date) (A) (D) (S) (U) (NS)

               (date) is a valid date in mmddyy format (no spaces!)
               (A)  scans all file directory listings
               (D)  download all new files found
               (S)  scan for files new since your last logon's directory scan
               (U)  scans only upload file directory listings
               (NS) displays output in non-stop mode

 Description:  Displays file listings based on a date scan of when the
               file was placed on the system.  Matching files are those
               found which have a date equal to or later than that requested.

               Entering an (S) indicates that the last DATE scan or the DATE
               of the most recent files found on your last scan should be
               used as the scan date.

               Entering a (D) on the command line will cause all files found
               to be queued up for download on your next (D)ownload command.

 Examples:     N A S          - scan for all new files since last scan
               N U S          - scan for new files in the upload directory
               N U 1 D S      - scan for and download new files in directory 1

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson